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Feline Vaccine Shortage

Feline Vaccine Shortage

in General , All About Cats

Due to complicated supply problems post-COVID, there is currently a shortage of feline vaccines in Australia, and this is expected to continue until early 2024. This has already had a major impact on shelters, with some having to close their doors to new cat and kitten admissions.

Due to the supply issue we expect we will be unable to vaccinate all of the feline patients we would prefer to. The vaccination programs we have used in the past assumed an unlimited supply of vaccine and followed conservative manufacturer and expert advice. Until supplies return to normal we will be forced to prioritize the vaccination of previously unvaccinated kittens and cats. If your cat is an adult who has already received 2 or 3 kitten vaccines and an annual booster, delaying a due booster until 2024 is unlikely to have a significant impact on their well being.
Our current advice is to arrange a clinic visit for your cat as usual if they are due for a vaccination. At the visit we will examine your cat and manage general health issues as usual. We will also make a judgement on delaying vaccination and will organize a reminder for when the current supply issue eases if needed. Alternatively you may decide to delay a visit until vaccine supplies are widely reported to have returned to normal.
Follow the link below to read more from a panel of veterinary experts:

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